Learn more about the FAQs regarding solar energy. Understand how solar energy works.

How does solar work?

Solar panels or modules collect energy from the sun. The panels will now give DC voltage and power to the inverter which will in turn convert it from DC power to AC power. AC power will supply to the Load during the day and provide the power for the home or facility.

Can we use solar at night?

If your solar power installation has a battery then the battery will charge during the day in order to provide you power at night.

What if it rains?

Solar power is generated through what is known as the photovoltaic effect, which requires sunlight. When it rains, the amount of power generated will be less due to the cloudy skies and precipitation, however it will still produce around 10% to 30% of the installation’s capacity.

How long does it take to install?

Installation time depends on the system size. An average household will take approximately two-days while a commercial building approximately one to two months.